
Menopause Makeover in Miami

As you reach your late 40s and early 50s, a number of factors impact how you look and feel. One of the most significant is menopause, which causes numerous changes to your mood, appearance, and overall health as your body stops naturally producing estrogen. 

Although menopause affects every woman differently, some of the most common symptoms of menopause are thinner and drier skin, as well as decreased collagen. These symptoms can be difficult to deal with on their own, but they often cause more noticeable signs of aging as well. This is because many of your body’s estrogen receptors are found throughout your skin tissue, with a higher concentration of receptors in the facial skin compared to most other areas. 

Addressing Signs of Aging in Menopause

Diet, lifestyle, and skincare can have a significant impact on how you look and feel as you enter menopause. However, a growing number of women are also recognizing the role surgery can play in maintaining youthfulness and confidence in menopause.  

According to the latest statistics from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), facelifts were the most common procedure in 2023 followed by nose jobs and eye lifts. Among AAFPRS members, 86 percent of surgeons performed face lifts, a dramatic 60 percent increase compared to 2017 statistics. 

Face tucks, nose jobs, and eye tucks are the most popular procedures for women across all age groups, but they are especially beneficial for women in their 40s and 50s. Let’s explore how each of these procedures can help address the physical signs of aging brought on by menopause.

Menopause Face Lifts

A facelift or face tuck, known clinically as a Rhytidectomy, is an extensive surgical procedure that tightens underlying muscle tissue and repositions fat deposits. The result is smoother, more youthful skin with fewer wrinkles and areas of loose skin. 

Facelift procedures are highly beneficial for women entering menopause. Menopause lowers your collagen levels and often causes you to lose the youthful plumpness in your cheeks. For many women, a facelift is the perfect solution for addressing these problems with natural-looking results. 

When you think of facelifts, what probably comes to mind is a “traditional facelift.” However, there are a number of similar procedures that can help improve the signs of aging. These include mini facelifts, liquid facelifts, cable lifts, and thread lifts. When you book a consultation with Dr. Gallo, we will discuss all your options and find the best procedure for you. 

Eyelid Surgery for Women in Menopause 

One of the most noticeable areas for wrinkles to appear in menopause is around the eye area. The skin around the eyes is naturally very thin and delicate, meaning it’s often the first place where visible signs of aging appear. An eyelid tuck, also known as a blepharoplasty, is an excellent way to reduce the appearance of these wrinkles. 

A blepharoplasty, often shortened to blephs, targets drooping or hooded skin on the upper eyelids. It can also address undereye bags that contribute to a tired, aged appearance. During eyelid surgery, Dr. Gallo removes excess fatty tissue and skin, working with the natural creases around your eye area to create a flawless end result. Not only will you look and feel better, this procedure can also help you see better if you have dramatically hooded eyelid skin. 

Rhinoplasty Surgery 

Among women of all ages, a rhinoplasty or nose operation is one of the most popular procedures. The underlying bone structure of your nose doesn’t change after you stop growing. However, the shape and dimension of your nose can change as you age as your muscles and soft tissues are affected by aging. For example, it’s common for your nose to appear wider or longer as you get older. 

For that reason, a nose reshaping procedure can be a great way to regain your confidence as you go through menopause. Whether you’re seeking a nose reduction or want to alter the overall shape of your nose, a rhinoplasty can be a great option to explore.

Like other surgical interventions, a rhinoplasty is a complex procedure. Because it affects your appearance as well as the underlying structure and function of your nose, it’s important to only go with a skilled facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Gallo is a well-respected surgeon with extensive training, education, and experience who is board-certified in both facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Getting the Most from Your Menopause Makeover 

A growing number of women seek invasive and non-invasive facial rejuvenation options to address their concerns surrounding menopause. The term “menopause makeover” has become somewhat of a buzzword, but it means so much more than that. 

Menopause is a significant life event that affects your physical and mental wellbeing in many different ways. Procedures such as rhinoplasties, blephs, and facelifts can dramatically change your appearance while also giving you back your confidence during a time when you often need it the most. 

In addition to being a skilled and experienced surgeon, Dr. Gallo is also an expert in non-surgical procedures that can enhance your results even more. Many women will combine treatments such as dermal fillers or micro needling to get even better results from their menopause makeover.

Call us at 305-853-9084 or submit an appointment request online to learn more about how plastic surgery can enhance your natural beauty. Our before and after results show just how transformative these procedures can be not just for your physical appearance but your inner confidence.  


Contact Gallo MD
in Midtown Miami

Gallo MD is located at The Shops at MidTown Miami off of North Miami Avenue and NE 29th Street. Within the biostation, the Gallo MD team is ready to help with your surgical and non-surgical facial enhancements.


115 NE 32nd Street, Suite
102-A, Miami, FL 33137

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