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Brow Lift Miami
What Is A Brow Lift?
A brow lift, also popularly known as forehead rejuvenation or forehead lift, is a simple cosmetic surgery that can eliminate saggy eyebrows. A brow lift can significantly improve the appearance of the brow area, the forehead and the skin around the eyes. This surgical procedure involves raising the soft tissue of the skin and raising the brows.
Creases across the forehead may cause candidates to appear aged and tired, which can have a crippling effect on one’s confidence. Opting for a brow lift can restore youthful looks. For maximum results, you can combine the procedure with other facial procedures including a facelift or eyelid surgery. However, you can opt for it separately.
Purpose Of A Brow Lift
The primary purpose of this cosmetic surgery is to improve horizontal furrows and lines while correcting sagging brows. Wrinkles and furrows across the forehead can make a person appear sad, angry or tired, which can be frustrating for some individuals as their facial expressions fail to depict how they are feeling.
Effects of a Brow Lift
- A brow lift can successfully restore the patient’s youthful appearance. Here’s how:
- Raises dropping or sagging brows that are covering the upper eyelids
- Reduces frown lines and vertical creases that are likely to develop between the eyebrows with old age
- Restores the eyebrows to its proper position, resulting in a more alert facial expression
How A Brow Lift Works
After evaluating your brows, Dr. Gallo will recommend a suitable procedure. There are two main types of brow lift facial surgeries. These include:
This procedure is among the most common. Dr. Gallo will begin the surgery by making multiple small incisions behind the patient’s hairline. Moreover, he will use a thin tube with a tiny camera towards its end (endoscope) along with a small light to examine the underlying tissues and muscles. The endoscope will guide Dr. Gallo during the surgery, ensuring a less invasive approach.
Next, with the use of special tools and instruments, Dr. Gallo will lift the forehead tissue, using sutures to secure them in place. This results can successfully trim years off the patient’s face, allowing them to look younger and rejuvenated.
Dr. Gallo will use small clips and stitches to close the incisions securely. Moreover, the incisions hide along the scalp and behind the hairline, this results in minimal scarring.
Browpexy differs from an endoscopic brow lift due to the placement of its incisions. This procedure minimally stabilizes or elevates the brow, which ensures the brow cannot be lowered further if the patient has eyelid surgery. This surgical procedure also involves the surgeon making an incision near the eyelid.
Dr. Gallo performs this procedure by attaching the underside of the patient’s brow to the orbital bone’s lining. Compared to the endoscopic brow lift, this procedure does not result in as significant changes. However, it is a more appropriate option for patients who are in need of minimal brow lift and do not want to change their appearance drastically.
Browpexy is also suitable for patients who want to stabilize their brows, preventing it from lowering in the future.
Who Is A Candidate For A Brow Lift?
Old age and stress commonly result in lines and wrinkles across the forehead, which can cause the patient’s eyes to deepen or appear sunken. With time, the soft tissues around the eyes also lose elasticity, which shortens the distance between the eyelashes and the eyebrows.
Opting for a brow lift can successfully raise eyebrows, reduce facial lines, resulting in a more attractive and delicate appearance.
- Deep creases on the forehead, between the eyes or above the nose
- Vertical creases near the eyebrows
- Sagging or low brows that can contribute to sagging eyelids
Brow Lift Consultation
During the consultation with Dr. Gallo, the patient must discuss their current health status, medical history and their expectations regarding the surgery. Also, Dr. Gallo will carefully evaluate the patient’s forehead region and will pay special attention to the muscles in your upper eyelids.
The Surgical Process
A brow lift involves the following steps:
The patient will receive anesthesia before the surgery to aid the surgical procedure. Dr. Gallo will either provide general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.
Depending on the type of surgery, Dr. Gallo will make incisions on the brow. Special instruments will be used to make tiny incisions on the hairline. Dr. Gallo will then adjust the position of muscles and tissues underneath the skin, which will correct the existing furrows and visible creases present on the forehead,
A brow lift involves making a “coronal incision.” This incision is made from ear to ear on top of the head, which minimizes the appearance of scars as all the incisions hide in the hair.
The surgeon makes this incision on the anterior hairline for women who have high foreheads, which ensures the height of the hairline remains constant in the process.
Dr. Gallo may close the incisions using special clips, sutures or skin adhesives.
Brow Lift Recovery the Day of Surgery
This cosmetic facial surgery usually does not take more than 2 hours. Also, Dr. Gallo performs it after administering general anesthesia or IV sedation. Once the surgery is complete, Dr.Gallo will loosely wrap a bandage around your head to minimize bruising or swelling. A drain tube may be used to remove fluid or blood from accumulating underneath the skin.
Dr. Gallo will give the patient clear instructions on how to care for their forehead once the surgery is complete. The patient may be required to keep their head elevated to reduce swelling, keep physical activity to a minimum, gently apply ice packs to the affected region and keep the surgery sites clean. Most patients usually take about two weeks to recover fully.
Most patients can resume back to their daily activities within ten days, depending on the complexity the procedure. The recovery rate also varies depending on the patient’s health, which means patients must avoid vigorous exercise and heavy lifting for the first week after the surgery.
Brow Lift Recovery After Surgery
The recovery process may vary from person to person and also depends on the procedure the patient has had: endoscopic brow lift or browpexy.
In either case, patients will have staples and stitches, which the doctor will remove in a week. In case temporary screws are used to secure the brows in place, Dr. Gallo may remove them in 2 weeks. Since these fixtures hide beneath the hairline, patients need not worry about visible scarring or bruising.
Once the incisions start to heal, you may experience minor numbness or itching which is likely to improve over time. Subsequently, Dr. Gallo will remove the bandages after 2 to 3 days after the surgery. The doctor removes the sutures within ten days of the operation. Since the incision lines hide in the hairline, there are no visible bruises. Minimal swelling and lines will also fade away with time.
Results – What to Expect After a Brow Lift
The results of a brow lift are evident within the next weeks however the patient may experience minor swelling or bruising, which results in a more youthful and attractive appearance.
Why get a Brow Lift?
A brow lift offers promising results, and the changes can be noticed immediately after the surgery. However, the results of the surgery will improve and get better with time.
Contact Gallo MD
in Midtown Miami
115 NE 32nd Street, Suite
102-A, Miami, FL 33137
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